Improvvi Dance

Workshop Technique & Instant Composition


Location: Naples

This workshop is designed for professional and non-professional dancers, actors and performers with an interest in expanding their skills in Instant Composition as a way of creating performances.

The workshop is organized and facilitated by Dissonanzen Associazione and Casa del Contemporaneo and will be directed by dance artists Giacomo Calabrese, Piero Leccese, Bettina Neuhaus, Alessandra Petitti (Associazione Dissonanzen), Ursula Sabatin and some musicians of OEOAS, Orchestra Elettroacustica Officina Arti Soniche

Furthermore participants will be given the opportunity to open the “Improvvi_dance” performance on Sunday 12 November at 19.00 at Sala Assoli.

Dates: Saturday 11 & Sunday 12 November 2023
Schedule: 11:00 - 13:00 and 13:30 - 15:30
Venue: Sala Assoli, vico Lungo Teatro Nuovo 110, Naples.
Max. number of participants: 15
Costs: € 50,-
Application: please send a short curriculum vitae and a motivation letter (PDF format) to indicating “Workshop Improvvi Dance 11-12 November 2023” in the e-mail subject.
New deadline for application: 10 October 2023
Candidates will receive a confirmation of enrollment and will be able to complete it by transferring €50,00 to the IBAN: IT68U0306909606100000003273 of Dissonanzen, specifying “participation in the Improvvi_dance workshop, 11 and 12 November 2023” as the reason for payment ('causale' slot).

Anyone who wishes can participate in the workshop as ‘listener’ at the cost of €10,-.

More information: , Dissonanzen and casa del contemporaneo

© detail of photo by Simon Halbedo


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