My movement practice in natural environments is rooted in my strong connection with nature and my interest in engaging in a more embodied and felt awareness of ecology.

It investigates our relationship with earth, air, water and non-human beings. Moving, walking, drawing, audio recordings and photography are essential elements within my practice. They help capturing experiences and insights and often contribute to the process of creating specific scores.  

My practice looks into ways of experiencing and acknowledging our own body and its materiality as a permeable, living eco-system that is part of and entangled with the larger eco-system ‘nature’.

It questions how we can challenge our felt separateness from nature and instead facilitate the experience and (re)discovery of our own inherent belonging within this vast web of life.

Based on that I’m curious about how ways of engaging in our relationality and interdependency with all co-existing forms of life might reveal new insights and possibilities for our actions.

In order to share my practice, I offer outdoor workshops in different countries and rural environments.